Hello lads gents and soon to be gents today we are talking about


Picnic Basket with Glasses of Wine

1. Make a Handmade Card

If you’re looking to give the special woman in your life a nice surprise on her birthday, taking the time to craft a homemade card can do it. Sometimes the simplest of gestures can have the biggest impact, and when she sees you’ve put the effort into making some just for her she’ll be delighted.

The first thing you should think about is the message you want to give her. Do you want to be silly? Romantic? Poetic? And how long will your message be? Thinking about this first will allow you to plan out the design of the card and make sure that it has enough space to write your message.

2. Plan a Weekend Getaway

Getting away as a couple is fantastic at anytime of the year. But a surprise weekend getaway in honor of her birthday will definitely give her a special feeling–and the look on her face when you announce the surprise will be priceless.

When she gets home from work, perhaps she’ll see this cute note attached to her already-packed luggage.

Or if you want to give her some time away with her girlfriends, pre-arrange the plans with them and have them waiting to sweep her off for the weekend.

3. Get Sentimental

As we said above, she’ll love anything you give her or do for her if it comes from the heart–and getting sentimental can definitely show her how much your love her.

For this we have a couple ideas:

A. Create a photo book or scrapbook that chronicles your life together from past to present, and perhaps give her a few notes on what you’re looking forward to in the future. Use an online shop like Shutterfly or do an old-fashioned scrapbook that you can add it in the future.

B PANDORA bracelet. I’d be remiss if we didn’t mention PANDORA jewelry somewhere in here. If she already has a PANDORA bracelet, get her a special charm that represents something you love about her. If she’s without, start one for her and use charms that represent some of the special milestones and memories you’ve shared together. From your first date to your wedding day to the birth of a child to looking at the future, there are hundreds of charms that will help you create a meaningful, sweet gift that she can wear on her wrist.

4. Go for a Picnic Under the Stars

Picnic Basket with Glasses of WineTaking your lady out for a picnic under stars and surrounded by nature is romantic, thoughtful and a way for the two of you to spend some time just engaging with one another.

Pick a location with some open space and away from city lights so you’ll get the best view of the stars. Here are some suggestions on what to bring along:

  • Blanket
  • Bottle of Wine
  • Snackable items such as fruit, veggies, cheese and crackers
  • Glasses
  • Plates
  • Eating utensils
  • A wireless speaker or music box to play some tunes
  • A jacket or sweater in case she gets cold
  • An astronomy book so you can spend some time checking out all the constellations

If it starts to rain, take the party to the backseat of your car and ride it out. The point is to spend time together with good conversation, good food and good laughs.

For some really creative food ideas for the picnic, check out OMG Facts’ article on 26 perfect picnic ideas.

5. Schedule Some Pampering

A little pampering is always a great gift. A massage, a blowout, a mani and pedi session, choose whatever pampering option you think she would enjoy the most. She’ll come out feeling refreshed, beautiful and cared for.

6. Plant Hidden Notes

This is a great DIY idea that can help you make her feel special all day long. Write a series of notes that have simple sweet messages inside them.

The messages could include your favorite memory, one of the things you love most about her, or an adventure you want to experience with her in the future.

Place the first one on her bedside table so she see’s it when she wakes up in the morning and then use your instinct to select other hiding spots that she’s sure to uncover, such as her purse or briefcase, the kitchen cabinet with the coffee, in her car, and so on.

7. Throw a Surprise Party
Surprise Party With Cake and FlowersWhile surprise parties may feel overdone, if you can pull one off it will certainly be a special event that she’ll always remember.

The first things you’ll need to think about is whether you have enough time and if you’re up to the task. Then you’ll need to think about the guest list, where you’ll hold the party, what kind of food and drink you’ll serve, and how you’ll keep it all from her.

Use it and have a happy life and as alwayshave a chilled day from the viking.
