Hello lads gents and soon to be gentlemen today we are talking about


Resultat d'imatges de gentlemen hobbies

Mastering An Instrument
Your neighbours may not thank you at first (particularly if you opt for drums or the violin) but learning how to play a musical instrument is ultimately one of the most rewarding things a person can do. The best part is you never stop improving. There are always new challenges and there’s even a social side to explore when it comes to forming a band and jamming with fellow “artists”.

Getting Behind The Lens
There are few things more satisfying than perfectly capturing a moment in time. Photography is a fantastic skill to master, and now that everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, it’s never been easier to give it a go. Try practising your shooting style with your phone before you go investing in the latest gear though.

Working With Wood
There’s something deeply satisfying, perhaps on a primal level, about whittling away at a piece of wood to create something new. Woodwork is an age-old hobby that can bless you with not only hours of entertainment, but also a way to conjure up birthday and Christmas presents without ever having to spend a penny.

Getting Creative In The Kitchen
As long as you’re not trying to channel Heston Blumenthal when the closest you’ve ever been to a stove was leaning over it to put a ready meal in the microwave, experimenting in the kitchen is a therapeutic way to refine your culinary skills. Why not try learning a few new recipes and eventually you’ll be confident enough to venture off piste. Still, leave the dry ice and flambĂ©ing to the pros, eh?

Snow Sports
Speaking of off piste, taking up skiing or snowboarding is one of the most enjoyable ways you can possibly keep fit. Granted, not all of us are lucky enough to live near the slopes, but there are plenty of dry and indoor options around so you can get some practise in before you tackle the real thing.

Putting Pen To Paper
You don’t have to be Oscar Wilde in order to try your hand at writing. Whether it’s penning short stories, a novel, or even just keeping a journal, putting your thoughts down on paper can be therapeutic and it’s a great way to expand your vocabulary while keeping your mind supple at the same time.

When asked why he wanted to climb Everest, legendary mountaineer George Mallory famously replied, “because it’s there”. That about sums mountaineering up, and you simply either have that urge or you don’t. If you do, you could be on the verge of discovering a new lifelong hobby that will take you to faraway places, introduce you to new friends and make you feel more alive than you ever thought possible. On the downside, you’ll also discover how expensive rope is.

Whether it’s bombing down forest tracks at breakneck speed or cladding yourself head to toe in Lycra and trying to smash your personal best on Strava, cycling is a great way to stay in shape and occupy your free time. Good for the heart, great for the head and once you’ve forked out for your equipment it’ll rarely cost you a penny.

Home Brewing
For the average guy, the thought of being able to conjure delicious beer out of thin air is akin to growing a money tree. While the latter is still sadly out of the question, with the right equipment and a bit of studying there’s no reason why you can’t become a competent home brewer. Drinks on you.

Giving Something Back
Not all hobbies are about personal gain. A lot of people like to spend their spare time helping others and giving back to the community. If you’re searching for a meaningful way to use your spare time, why not look into volunteering at a local charity or getting involved in some community service work at the weekends?

Learning To Defend Yourself
You’ll probably never need to use it, but even so, learning a martial art is a tried and tested way to build confidence, make new friends and stay in shape all at the same time. It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete beginner either. Many gyms offer free introductory courses, so if you think you’ve got what it takes to be the next Bruce Lee then you can go along and try it out without spending a penny.

I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the viking
