Hello lads gents this is the Viking telling you that today we are talking about


Resultat d'imatges de conversation topics for parties
  1. What's the most interesting thing you've read lately?
  2. What's a fact about you that's not on the internet?
  3. Do you listen to any podcasts? Which ones?
  4. If you were in charge of the playlist, which song would you play next?
  5. What's the best gift you've ever gotten?
  6. What's your favorite part about living in [city]? Least favorite?
  7. Are there any common misconceptions about your job?
  8. Why did you come tonight?
  9. If you had to sum up this event in three words, which would they be?
  10. Are there any upcoming events you're planning on going to?
  11. If you were giving a presentation, what would the topic be?
  12. Great [shoes/haircut/shirt]! Where'd you get it?
  13. I'm trying to plan my next trip -- have you traveled anywhere interesting lately?
  14. You look like you could be in [random occupation]. Am I anywhere close?
  15. Have you tried any of the [appetizers, drinks, sides, etc.]? Any recommendations?
  16. Do you have a signature drink? (Gesture to their glass.)
  17. Is your [day/night] going like you expected?
  18. Do you prefer hosting events or attending them?
  19. Are you a cat or dog person? Do you have any pets?
  20. If you had to switch outfits with one person here, who would it be?
  21. Do you know most of the people here?
  22. If you could invite anyone to this party and they were guaranteed to show up, who would you ask?
  23. I'm trying to plan my next trip -- have you travelled anywhere interesting lately?
  24. What do you think are the top three ingredients for a successful party?
  25. Would you rather only host fancy dinner parties or theme parties for the rest of your life?
  26. What are you reading?
  27. Are there any Netflix/Hulu/television series you'd recommend?
  28. If you were stuck on a desert island with four items of your choice from this room, what would you bring?
  29. What's the last movie you saw in theatres? Was it worth the trip?
  30. What do you not do? (Smile while you ask to show you're being humorous.)
  31. Have you been to any great restaurants lately?
  32. Where's your favorite vacation spot?
  33. Did you fulfill your childhood dream?
  34. What's the best gift you've ever gotten? My friend's birthday is coming up and I'd love some ideas.
  35. Are you looking forward to anything in the next few weeks?
I hope you liked this post and as always have a chilled day from the Viking
