Hello lads gents and soon to be gents today we are talking about something special


mens get up the car

When I saw a friend’s Facebook post the other day about him being upset after he was abused by a woman for offering up his seat by that very said woman, it got me thinking, what exactly does it mean to be a gentleman in the modern age? After chatting with a friend of mine and he pointed me to this quote  “Chivalry isn’t putting women on a pedestal or patronising them, and it’s no reflection of them. It’s a reflection of you.”

And I think this perfectly epitomises what being a gentleman is all about – acting so not because society expects it or we should do something, but because you genuinely want to. In my view, there’s nothing wrong with my friend wanting to offer up his seat, as it’s not a reflection on the lady but rather speaks volumes about who he is as a person: a gentleman.

1. Be a good listener.   

2. Be a loyal friend. Keep your word.

3. Be reliable and on time. Be punctual.

4. Be trustworthy.

5. Never pull your phone during a conversation or at dinner (even if it’s to show someone a photo).

6. Take pride in your appearance. Look sharp fellas.

7. Open the cab door for someone (even if it’s a male friend).

8.Call or message to check your friend got home safely.

9. Make time for what’s important to you.

10. Don’t blame others for your failures but don’t be too hard on yourself.

11. Fold your washing. No one likes a messy room.

12. Give more than you receive in the bedroom. It’s better if you’re both having fun.

13. Never talk about your salary. It won’t make you feel better if you learn you’re earning more than someone else but it will make you upset when you hear you aren’t. Plus it’s just plain rude to talk about money.

14. Stand when she approaches or leaves the table.

15. Walk on the street side of the curb.

16. Be nice to yourself — stumbles and failures are going to happen. No one’s perfect.

17. Compliment her on more than just her physical appearance.

18. Pull out her chair.

19. Offer your coat when it’s cold.

20. Allow her to order first, but if she isn’t ready, don’t insist.

21. Send her flowers for no reason.

22. Walk her to her car/taxi/door. Regardless of your motive.

23. Hold the umbrella over her.

24. Treat her to dinner out every so often.

25. Put thought into your dates.

Its not difficult to do its worth putting a hour into it.
