Hello Lads, Guys and Gentlemen this is the first day of being a Gentleman.


Resultat d'imatges de dating

Today we are talking about Dating I am not going to lie I used to be really bad at this myself so I decided that I want to be better and this is what I have come up with.

Make reservations.

Resultat d'imatges de make reservationsA gentleman does not just “wing it” when it comes to a date, particularly early on with a woman he is truly interested in. If you are taking her to dinner, put the forethought into the evening to call the restaurant ahead of time or make your reservations online. Nobody wants to show up on a first date to a restaurant where there is an hour-long wait and need to change plans mid-stream.
Even if you are not going to dinner, the idea here is to plan ahead. Get tickets to the movie, or the show, or the museum, or whatever – beforehand. Be prepared. Show her you are willing to put in effort to actually making sure the two of you enjoy your evening together.

Be punctual.

If you are picking her up at 7:00, be there at 7:00. It’s not just a matter of being on time, it’s a matter of showing her early on that you stand by what you say, are reliable, and trustworthy.

Walk to her door when picking her up.

Resultat d'imatges de walk to the door when picking her upIf you have made the arrangement to pick her up before the date, please do yourself a favor and do not send her a text saying “Here.” or “Outside,” and then wait for her to come out. Get out of that damn car and go up to the door.

Stand up and greet her if you are meeting her somewhere.

I personally would much rather pick a woman up for a date and have never had someone suggest that we meet somewhere because she was uncomfortable with me knowing her address, but I understand in the age of online dating sometimes this trust is a little harder to come by.

For this reason, some women may insist you meet at your destination. If this is the case, arrive first (never keep a lady waiting), and stand to greet her when she does arrive.

Open all of the doors for her.

Resultat d'imatges de open doors for her

All of them.Yes i mean all of them its not hard 

Understand who leads and who follows.

Resultat d'imatges de hold handWhen being seated at a restaurant, allow her to go first and follow behind the host or hostess. When walking through a more crowded place, though, you lead and help clear the path for her. For an added bit of charm, casually extend your hand behind you for her to hold onto. If she takes it while following you, take this as a good sign.

When ordering, she goes first.

The ultra old-fashioned still sometimes prefer to find out what their date would like and then order it for her, but to be safe – your best bet is to simply have her order first when the waiter or waitress arrives.

I hope this post helped you and always know that you are getting closer
